Sunday, January 23, 2011

Shoulders and traps workout

I generally need to lift high volume and high intensity so i get a good pump.

Warm up:
Arm circles----------5x10 (each arm forward and backward)
Push press-----------bar x 10

Working Sets:
Push press------------135x10

Barbell shrugs-------225x15

Arnold press--------55x12

Dumbbell Shrugs-----110x12

Lateral raises----------20x15

Front raises------------20x15

Bent over raises-------15x18

Generally I use cables for the last three exercises. I like the constant resistance you get throughout the range of motion.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Legs Workout

My legs respond pretty well from a hypertrophy standpoint. To stay proportional to my upper body I usually lift them once every ten days. It does not require much to get them big imo.

 Barbell squats-----135x10

Working sets:
Barbell squats-----225x12

Calf raise (on squat machine)--315x15

Leg extension--------------------200x12

Leg curl---------------------------150x12

P.S. my body never gets used to leg workouts as far as soreness goes. Suggestions welcome...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Back and Biceps workout

For my back workout I also alternate between a high intensity strength day, then a hypertrophy day five days later. Though my rep ranges are generally higher for back and biceps so I achieve a good pump. I also train biceps first to pre-exhaust them. This takes them out of the equation when it comes time for back exercises so your back does more work.

*First number is the weight second number is the number of repetitions (Example: 135x10 = 135 lbs. for 10 repetitions)
*For non-body-weight exercises which go to failure, a spotter is required to perform safely

Bicep warm-up:

Barbell curls---50x20

Heavy day working sets:
Barbell curls----------115x10

Reverse barbell curls--115x10

Hammer curls----------45x15

Dumbell curls----------30x20

Back warm-up
Barbell rows-------135x18

Heavy working day:

Barbell rows-------225x10

Pull ups---------------Bodyweight x failure
-------------------------Bodyweight x failure
-------------------------Bodyweight x failure

Low row---------------210x12


Rack chins------------Bodyweight x failure

-------------------------Bodyweight x failure

-------------------------Bodyweight x failure

Now for the hypertrophy day...

Bicep warm-up:

Barbell curls---50x20

Hypertrophy day working sets:
Barbell curls----------95x15

Reverse barbell curls--95x15

Hammer curls----------45x15

Dumbell curls----------30x20

Back warm-up
Barbell rows-------135x18

Heavy working day:

Barbell rows-------205x15

Lat pull down--------180x12

Low row---------------200x15


Rack chins------------Bodyweight x failure

-------------------------Bodyweight x failure

-------------------------Bodyweight x failure

Chest and triceps routine

I typically lift heavy for my five day routine with high intensity with the emphasis being strength. For the next 5 day cycle I will lift with more volume with the emphasis being hypertrophy (gains in muscle mass). I will detail the lifts for chest/tricep days in each training method.

*First number is the weight second number is the number of repetitions (Example: 135x10 = 135 lbs. for 10 repetitions)
*For non-body-weight exercises which go to failure, a spotter is required to perform safely

Warm up:
Flat barbell bench---135x10

Heavy day working sets:
Flat barbell bench---245x6

Incline barbell bench--185x6

Closed grip barbell press--185x10

Dips-------------------bodyweight x failure
-------------------------bodyweight x failure
-------------------------bodyweight x failure

Pec-deck flys--------140x15

Incline dumbell flys--30x15

Tricep rope pull-downs--100x10

Dumbells can be used instead of the pec-deck machine, but I find a more constant resistance on the machine.

Warm up:
Flat barbell bench---135x10

Hypertrophy day working sets:
Flat barbell bench---225x10

Incline dumbell bench--75x10


Skull crushers---------------75x10


Dumbell tricep extension-----65 x failure
-----------------------------------65 x failure
-----------------------------------65 x failure

Pec-deck flys--------140x15


Incline dumbell flys--30x15


Tricep rope pull-downs--80x15

Try these workouts and let me know what you think!

Developing a weekly split routine

The first thing needed to develop an effective workout routine is splitting up the work over the course of the week (or a set amount of days). There are several ways to do this; upper/lower, by musclegroup, or push/pull for example. I found the most effective to be using the major muscle groups: chest, back, legs, and shoulders. Arms can be made into a separate day or biceps paired with back and triceps paired with chest as they are secondary muscle used in back/chest lifting movements. It is almost universal that people break down their splits by week, however I cycle my splits over the course of five days. Here is my current split...

Day 1 - Chest/triceps
Day 2 - Back/biceps
Day 3 - Legs
Day 4 - Shoulders/traps
Day 5 - Rest

Rest days are crucial in any workout regimen. This allows for the muscles to rebuild and the body to recover from the strain it has endured from the workouts. Over-training can occur if you do not get sufficient rest. I will post detailed info on my workouts for each day soon. Feel free to comment on what splits have worked for you.