Monday, January 17, 2011

Chest and triceps routine

I typically lift heavy for my five day routine with high intensity with the emphasis being strength. For the next 5 day cycle I will lift with more volume with the emphasis being hypertrophy (gains in muscle mass). I will detail the lifts for chest/tricep days in each training method.

*First number is the weight second number is the number of repetitions (Example: 135x10 = 135 lbs. for 10 repetitions)
*For non-body-weight exercises which go to failure, a spotter is required to perform safely

Warm up:
Flat barbell bench---135x10

Heavy day working sets:
Flat barbell bench---245x6

Incline barbell bench--185x6

Closed grip barbell press--185x10

Dips-------------------bodyweight x failure
-------------------------bodyweight x failure
-------------------------bodyweight x failure

Pec-deck flys--------140x15

Incline dumbell flys--30x15

Tricep rope pull-downs--100x10

Dumbells can be used instead of the pec-deck machine, but I find a more constant resistance on the machine.

Warm up:
Flat barbell bench---135x10

Hypertrophy day working sets:
Flat barbell bench---225x10

Incline dumbell bench--75x10


Skull crushers---------------75x10


Dumbell tricep extension-----65 x failure
-----------------------------------65 x failure
-----------------------------------65 x failure

Pec-deck flys--------140x15


Incline dumbell flys--30x15


Tricep rope pull-downs--80x15

Try these workouts and let me know what you think!


  1. But remember heavy day and hypertrophy days will be 5 days apart so its not all in one day.

  2. I love weighted dips. Kills your chest.

  3. keep this up and you will be huge in no time.

  4. going heavy is always the way. good job
